I’ll give him this: John Russo always keeps it interesting. When I approached him at this past weekend’s Mad Monster Party con in Charlotte, NC and asked him for an interview, I fully expected him to say no. And initially, he did just that, claiming the acoustics were no good because of the crowd noise. But then he surprised me and asked if I could keep it brief. When I said it would only take a few minutes, he shocked me even more; he said yes.
Russo is his own man, and his answers to my questions qualify as controversial, if you know his history in filmmaking, and his relationship with George Romero. Press play below and you’ll be entertained by his takes on Debbie Rochon, his NOTLD 30th Anniversary version, his film MIDNIGHT which sports a turn from John Amplas, and why he thinks Romero cast David Emgee in DAWN OF THE DEAD. Trust me, you won’t be bored.