I just got home from seeing the EVIL DEAD remake with Sarah. Know what I’m doing instead of writing a review of it? Informing you about something you should actually enjoy! THE GHASTLY LOVE OF JOHNNY X is ready to make its NYC premiere. Though it’s not a horror flick, if you love the horror output of dual genius actors Kevin McCarthy and Will Keenan, you’ll be there.
JOHNNY X is a film I’ve championed here at Death Ensemble. It goes a bit beyond fright, but it’s also a damn great film worth seeing. I took the time to review it, and was fortunate that director Paul Bunnell kindly let me interview him. But this experience will one-up things; I’m not only going to see it on the big screen, as it should be seen—I’m setting up an interview with Mr. Will Keenan himself!
If you love the edgy, brilliant Keenan as I do, you should check out my Will Keenan Review Bonanza, a loving tribute to a captivating madman. And if you have any love for his acting, join me at the IFC Center in NYC at midnight on April 27. You can also check out a midnight showing the night before. Or if you have time and love for quality, quirky filmmaking, go both nights. You won’t regret it.
THE GHASTLY LOVE OF JOHNNY X deserves some love right back. I’m so glad it’s coming to my area, so I can give it just that.